Frequently asked questions

Our Rugs

Our rugs are expertly crafted by our artisans in India.

Our rugs are made with a blend of wool from India and New Zealand.
Wool has the advantage of being hypoallergenic and easy to care for.

The back of the rug is 100% cotton.
All dyes used are non-toxic.

It is recommended to vacuum your rug regularly to prevent dust buildup.

If your rug is stained, you can wash it with a mix of alcohol vinegar and cold water. It also revives the colors. Put it on a cloth and dab the stains with it. Rub lightly on the stained part and wait for it to dry.

In the event of a larger stain, we recommend that you give your carpet to a cleaning professional.

The Plane Ticket rugs are all 68x181cm

The name rugs’ dimensions vary.
Their length is usually somewhere between 160cm and 195cm. Their height varies between 55cm and 70cm.
The size will depend on the number of letters. If you want to know the exact size of a carpet before ordering you can contact us.

Our rugs are handcrafted in India. The production time is about 10 weeks.

Since personalized rugs are 100% custom-made, it is not possible to return them.
However, if you have any problem with your carpet, feel free to contact us.

Our Posters

All our posters are meticulously printed in our Belgian printing works.

Our printers use digital printing.

The posters are printed on a superior quality 200g/m2 matte paper, for an optimal rendering, we advise you to frame your poster without a glass.
Please note that direct light could damage the colors of your bare poster.

All our posters are in a standard format, you will easily find a suitable frame in DIY or decoration stores.

You can also use a poster hanger.


We process your order within 48 hours. It is then entrusted to the PostNL services. Delivery time varies depending on your location.
Belgium: 1 to 3 working days.
Europe: 3 to 5 working days.
Outside Europe: 5 to 10 working days.

Production time for personalized items is about 10 weeks.
Personalized items ship separately.

If you still haven’t received your order after the specified processing time, do not hesitate to contact us
Processing times may be longer during holidays, strikes, celebrations..

You’ve just received your order, and you’re not completely satisfied?
You can return one or more items within 14 days of receiving your order.

Note that since our personalized items are 100% custom-made, it is not possible to return them.

To send us back your item(s):
Items must be well packed and in their original condition.
Shipping fees are your responsibility.
Please attach the return form which you can print here.

You can send us your item(s) at the following address:

Samedi 29 SRL
Rue de Mesch 36
3790 Mouland
(Note that this address is not a showroom)

We will refund you within 10 days after receiving your return.

In case of an error on our part, please contact us, we will find a solution as soon as possible.

If one of your items is damaged or defective, please contact us, we will find a solution as soon as possible. You have a legal guarantee of 2 years.

Our studio

Mini 29 is a Belgian design studio created by Géraldine Ménage & Tarek Okbir in 2021.

Our goal: to offer a range of decorative products for children inspired by contemporary art.
We believe that an interior filled with art will give your mini humans a creative start in life, allowing them to dream and awaken their imagination.

Our universe is resolutely mixed, fun and colorful. It doesn't take itself too seriously.
All our pieces are designed by us, and produced by handpicked partners.

The number 29 is kind of a family thing. From our own birth to the birth of our son, this number follows us everywhere.
It was obvious to choose a name that resembles us for the creation of this joint project.

All Mini 29 items are imagined by us.

We are both graphic arts graduates from the Liège School of Arts (École Supérieure des Arts de Liège) and find our inspiration in art, fashion and design.

If you wish to meet us for a custom project or a collaboration, you can contact us.

Mini 29 is exclusively sold via our online store.
If you wish to be updated about our latest news, do not hesitate to subscribe to our newsletter.

If you are a reseller and want to distribute Mini 29 feel free to contact us.